Oracle of Yhwh (the leader's teachings)



Dears Brethren, Shalom !

The Oracle of Yhwh is a brochure that is dedicated to the Eternal Adonai (Sovereign God); to all Christens and to all Children of Yhwh of the entire universe. She will be published in various volumes and in diverse topics.

Time is at the restoration of the Torah (law, word, teaching) which for millennia was despise in favour of religious teachings or doctrines that, for the most are not found in the Holy Scriptures (Bible).

The great wish of the author of this brochure is to draw the attention of her readers to care that the teachings presented to them is scriptural and to excite them to make the Bible their best friend.

Joshua 1:8  This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free


*** The Oracle of Yhwh is a Publication of the «The Ark of Yahweh’s Ministry » ***

Peace be onto you in Yeshua’s name (Jesus Christ)


« It is a great honour, Joy and Privilege to serve our Heavenly Father (Yhwh Elohim) and will always be »

Leader Deïdo EPESSE III
Arkoy © 2011



Volume 1 " THE RELIGION "

This first volume is under revision


Volume 2 " THE TORAH "


Torah is a Hebrew word meaning: law, instruction, and teaching. Torah can also mean inform, lead, indicate and signal.
The Torah is a manual of instruction of 613 codified commandments that the Eternal creator gave to mankind for his service and the service of his creature through his servant Rabbi Moshe (Moses).


The root of the Torah is divine. The Torah came from Yhwh Elohim “the Eternal creator”. The first time the torah was given to mankind was in the garden of Eden, in the creation era with Adam and Hava.
Yhwh Elohim revealed it gradually along the line through his servants (the Patriarchs):
-  From Adam to Noa’h (Noah); from Noa’h to Avraham (Abraham); from Avraham to Yits’haq(Isaac); from Yits’haq to Yaakov (Jacob- Yisrayl); from Yisrayl to Yossef (Joseph) & from Yossef to Moshe (Moses) at “mount Sinai” whereby it finally became an institution of 613 codified laws.


The Torah is the 5 first books of the Holy Scriptures written by Rabbi Moshe:
- B’reisheet (Genesis) - Sh’mot (Exodus) - Vayikra (Leviticus) - B’midbar (Numbers) - D’varim (Deuteronomy).
NB. We should quote that some of these 613 codified laws are not effective in our era due to the sacrifice of our savior Yeshua HaMashiah.


The goals of the torah are to:

1- Enable us to know our Eternal creator, the God of Avraham, Yits’haq and Yaakov (Yisrayl). Isaiah 2:2-3 & Micah 4:2.

2- Inscribe the knowledge of God in our hearts. We belong to God when the torah is written in our hearts. 
Jeremiah 31:31-33.

3- Lead us to the knowledge of Yeshua. The torah was created by him and for him. Colossians 1:16-17 & Romans 11:36.

4- It is through the torah, Yeshua and the Holy Spirit that Yhwh Adonai revealed himself to mankind (Hebrews 1:1-3). Yeshua is the word by which all things were created.

5- Yeshua is the perfect incarnation of the Torah and the divine essence that manifests in human being. Genesis 1:1; John 1:1-2 & 1:14.

6- Keeping of the torah is a proof of love to our creator. John 14:15, 21

7- The torah is the testimony of each child of God, just like it was for Joshua (Joshua 1:8) and Solomon (1 Kings 2:1-3).

8- The torah is the “tree of life” for those who practice it (Proverbs 3:18).

9- The torah is the “lamp” of those who observe it (Psalms 119:105).

10- It is through the torah that we acknowledge sin, for “sin is the transgression of the torah” 1John 3:4

11- The universe’s savior (Yeshua) is the torah, that’s why he can't abolish it otherwise he will abolish himself
(Matthew 5:17-19).

12- The assignment of Yeshua on earth was “the teaching of the torah” Matthew 11:1; Mark 1:21 & Luke 4:16.

13- The torah is a blessing to some (those who obey), while it is a curse to others (those who disobey).
Deuteronomy 11:26

Blessing: Deuteronomy 11:27
Deuteronomy 4:1-2 ; Deuteronomy 6:1-10,17,24 ; Deuteronomy 7:12-26; Deuteronomy 11:22-32 ; Deuteronomy 28:1-14; Leviticus 18:5

Curse: Deutéronome 11:28
Proverbs 28:9; Psalms 119:155; Deuteronomy 28:15-68; Matthew 7:21-27

* The torah is for Eternity. Matthew 24:35 « Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away »

Children and peoples, churches, assemblies and congregations of God the Eternal creator, we are all called to the practice of the Torah for Yeshua HaMashiah is the Torah.

Consult the body of the 613 commandment of the Torah in the  link "Torah"

Peace be onto you in Yeshua’s name (Jesus Christ)

« It is a great honour, Joy and Privilege to serve our Heavenly Father (Yhwh Elohim) and will always be »

Leader Deïdo EPESSE III
Arkoy © 2011

Volume 3 " THE SABBATH "


Some say it is a celestial language while others say it is Hebrew.
In our humble opinion, we think as well that it is a celestial language since it comes directly from our Eternal Father, Yahweh Adonai. It is a celestial institution (from heaven).

The word shabbat, saba, sabbath, or sabbat by definition means < rest >.

One thing appeared strange to us during our research on the topic: The Sabbath.
Imagine that almost all (95%) children of the Eternal Father Adonai are learning about the word Sabbath for the first time, or recently.
Though being an unfortunate surprise, we try to understand.

Why the surprise?

It is because every child of God should have a notion on the Sabbath since it is one of the oldest institutions, if not the <oldest>. The Sabbath dates from creation. The first Sabbatharians were <Yahweh and Yeshua>. This can be verified in Genesis 2:1-3.

This means that after Yahweh and Yeshua, Adam and Eve followed this same Sabbatharian doctrine in the garden of Eden. So we can affirm that all the servants of God that we know (the patriarchs) equally observed this rest.

A- Why is the Sabbath strange in the lives of children of God?

It is because they don’t have the time to listen to the word of God. We know that God talks to His children through His ministers, through dreams, visions, thoughts, trances, intuitions, etc. Nevertheless, the best way to listen to God is to study the Bible. We are talking here about studying the Bible and not reading the Bible. The Bible is not a novel or a journal that one reads and abandon. It needs to be allocated so much time so that one better understands it since it demands meditating.

Advice: When ever you want to study the Bible, pray for the holy spirit to accord you wisdom and knowledge so that u better understand the lesson of the day.

Let us examine the instruction of God to Joshua in this regard during the handing over of leadership on the succession of Moses in Joshua 1:8.

Which book of law are we talking here about? The Bible.
How many children of God are close to their Bibles nowadays? How many of them consecrate their time for its meditation?
This is therefore where children of God have fumbled, whereas the Sabbath is mentioned in the Bible a hundredth times, why not even a thousandth times, and these in the two alliances (old and new testaments); from Genesis to revelation.

Our advice on the topic:Let us get closer and closer to the best rabbi that our Heavenly Father gave us through His servants (The Bible). Let us make it our best friend, that is an object of our daily meditation as He mentioned to Joshua when the latter was granted leadership over the Israelites.

If you don’t understand any portion of the Bible as you study, you may note this portion and take to the elders for assistance.

B-The reasons why we understand that the Sabbath is strange in the midst of God’s people.

As explained in the prelude, the Sabbath is a celestial language. We are not ignorant of the fact that issues of the heavens are very mysterious.
The Sabbath is a <mystery> and as mentioned, <to some God gave the wisdom to understand His mysteries>.

Worth mentioning is the fact that the ten commandments, expantiated as the 613 commandments which constitute the Torah, the Sabbath comes in the fourth position; it is thus the fourth of the ten commandments. This can be verified in Exodus 20:1-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-22.

Of the ten commandments only the fourth (The Sabbath) is an object of a great controversy.

- Why the Sabbath?

The Sabbath is the center of adoration of our Eternal Father, Yahweh Elohim. The reason why Satan (Lucifer) has confused and is confusing the people of God on the subject. He has used strong measures to eradicate the word Sabbath, the reason why many versions of the Bible use in the place of Sabbath the phrase <the day of rest> and not <The Sabbath Day>.

Many kingdoms and even people in politics have been used by the devil to wipe out the word Sabbath.

History relates that as people who carried the Bible to preach the word of God were wanted, lapidated or burnt alive, worst still was the fate of Sabbatharians.
It is the same situation which makes it that many children of God don’t know the veritable name of their Creator, <YHWH, Yahweh>.

The enemy has done every thing possible for the name of our Heavenly Creator to disappear in most of the versions of the Bible, and so is it in 99%.
Hence Lucifer (Satan) thought he had won the battle as he used his last card in 321AD, when Emperor Constantine of Rome published the decree changing the Sabbath day from the seventh day (Saturday), to the day of the Lord on the first day (Sunday). This was thus the official beginning of the combat against Sabbatharians.

Two centuries later, that is in 538 AD, since Satan and his delegates had decided to combat the Sabbath, this decree of the roman Emperor Constantine is ratified by the 3rd Councilor of the Orleans.
It is the same combat that is affecting christians nowadays in one way or the other.

But, can one combat the Heavenly Father?

Today, God is giving the urge once more to his servants and certain organizations all over the world who are bringing to light the teaching and the observation of the Sabbath. So therefore one talks of the formation of Sabbatharians in thousands.

Our dear congregation is a living witness and one of the instruments or institutions for this restoration.

Many servants of God nowadays give testimonies of visions they had and instructions from God on this fourth commandment (Sabbath). Hence, we deduce that:
- The restoration of the Sabbath is a reality.
- All true children of God should observe the Sabbath as every other commandment.
- None can combat the will of God for He is Alpha and Omega (The Supreme).

Hence, after this historical development, there is need to ask questions as:
A- Why this persistence on the Sabbath?
B- What are the mysteries that the Sabbath carries?

The reasons for the persistence on the Sabbath

1- It is a commandment, the will of God and most of God’s feasts (Exo 20:8-11 and Lev 23:2-3).
2- It is a day designed for the adoration of God (Exodus 31:15).
3- It is a sign by which children of God are known (Ezekiel 20:20).
4- It is a sign of recognition and sanctification between Yhwh and His children (Exodus 31:13)

The mysteries of the Sabbath

1- The Sabbath is a day of restoration (rest), sanctification and blessings for every child of God who observes it. (Genesis 2:2-3 and Exodus 31:13).
2- Observing the Sabbath is observing the new Jerusalem in advance (God’s Kingdom-Colossians 2:17, Hebrew 4:4-11 and Isaiah 66:22-23). Satan most especially does not want that humanity be saved.
3- The Sabbath is success and prosperity (Isaiah 56:2-7 and 58:13-14).

Which of the days of the week is the Sabbath?

The Bible tells us clearly in all the quotations that we previously examined that it is the 7th day (Exodus 20:8-10 and Deuteronomy 5:12-14).

Which of the days of the week is the 7th day? Saturday or Sunday?
Still in view of combating the Sabbath, the enemy has caused confusion in the midst of academicians which makes it that there is contradiction with dictionaries. The oldest dictionaries explain that Saturday is the 7th day and Sunday is the 1st, while recent dictionaries say Saturday is the 6th day and Sunday is the 7th.
How unfortunate!
What extent to want to hide the truth!

Can one hide the light from the sun?

Luckily, certain versions of the Bible have been explicit in citing the day of the Sabbath itself instead of the 7th day as is the case with most of the versions nowadays. This can be verified in Matthew 28:1 for those who have explicit versions of the Bible.

* Saturday is the 7th day and Sunday is the 1st

The beginning of the Sabbath

There is need to precise the time of commencement of the Sabbath because it is as well extraordinary. The Sabbath being one day, and a day having 24 hours, the Sabbath begins at sunset (±6:00pm) on Fridays to the other sunset (± 6:00pm) on Saturdays.(Leviticus 23:32).

* Why then from evening to evening?

Contrary to the human method by which a day starts just after midnight: 12:01am to 12:00am, the beginning of a day as God puts it, or according to the order of creation, is at sunset to another sunset. (Genesis 1:5,8,13,19,22-23 and 31).

How does one observe or sanctify the Sabbath?

1- In abstaining from doing one’s will or pursuing one’s personal interests, in abstaining from vain discussions or rotten words.( Isaiah 58:13 ).
2- In abstaining from all house chores. ( Exodus 20:10 )
3- In abstaining from all businesses or deals ( purchases, sales,etc ). Nehemiah 10:31, Jeremiah 17:21.
4- Avoid lighting any fire whatsoever. ( Exodus 35:3).

How therefore does one avoid breaking the Sabbath rules in its preparation?

Getting prepared before hand, that is preparing ( Exodus 16:22-26 ):
- One’s meal
- Cleaning one’s place if necessary
- Preparing one’s clothes which would be probably used during the Sabbath.
- Stop all activities related to house chores,etc.

Misunderstanding on the sanctification of the Sabbath.

Worth noting is the fact that there is controversy on certain circumstances on the sanctification of the Sabbath, and this misunderstanding goes as far back as the Apostolic era. We all know that there is no rule without exceptions; so too is the Sabbath. But for certain cases, we leave for our Eternal Creator to judge so that we don’t make statements which may not worth the while.

Contrary to the teachings of certain doctors of the Torah, Yeshua Hamashiah gave us some precise lessons concerning the exceptions of the Sabbath.
I cite: <The Sabbath is made for man and not man for the Sabbath>. Mark 2:27. Our Messiah gives us lessons on the fact that the Sabbath is here to serve us and not the contrary; that is giving us a long life, a good health, hope, deliverance, protection, etc.

According to this quotation therefore, we understand that God has sanctified and consecrated the Sabbath to help us. Thus, all related works cited in this teaching of Yeshua are excepted by our Heavenly Father since they are part of the service of God.

- We resume this teaching of Yeshua by saying that:<excepted are only works related to the wellbeing of man>. (Matthew 12:9-13, Mark 2:23-26, Mark 3:1-5 ).

Dear brothers and sisters, as mentioned in the prelude, the observation of the Sabbath does not begin today.

Apart from our Creator and His son Yeshua the first Sabbatharians in the history of creation, there followed Adam and Eve, the patriarchs; Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, King David, King Solomon and all the prophets during the era of the old testament.

God’s servants of the new alliance (new testament) equally observed the Sabbath.

* Yeshua Hamashiah equally observed the Sabbath in taking the initiative to teach, to train and initiate His disciples on the Torah and on the Sabbath on Sabbath days. (Luke 4:16, Mark 6:1-2).
- Yeshua Hamashiah is Lord and Grand-Master of the Sabbath. (Matthew 12:8, Mark 2:28).
- The Apostles, including the Apostle Paul observed the Sabbath. (Acts 13:14, 13:42-44, 16:3, 17:2-3).
- Mary, Yeshua’s mother, equally observed the Sabbath. (Luke 23:49-56).
- The sanctification of the Sabbath is a perpetual law to the people of Israel and of God in general. (2 Chronicles 2:4, Exodus 31:16).
- The Sabbath is a holy thing for every child of God or people of God. (Exodus 31:14).
- Generally, the sanctification of the Sabbath is part of the habits and culture of people of God. (John 19:29-31).

The Sabbath is a double edged sword because it carries on one hand enormous blessings and on the other severe punishments.

- The blessings for those who sanctify the Sabbath

Isaiah 58:13-14, Isaiah 56:2-7, Leviticus 26:2-13, Deuteronomy 7:12-24, 28:1-14.

- The punishments for those who transgress the Sabbath

Exodus 31:14, 35:2, Numbers 15:32-36, Leviticus 26:14-41, Deuteronomy 28:15-68.


I will like to share my assignment on the Sabbath with you which I presented at the Yeshiva (Judeo-Christian Theological School) in Jerusalem.

1- Tradition sees the Sabbath as the day when a second soul was given to man.

From the 1st to the 6th day man is occupied with work; this is the case with most men. From the 5th to the 6th day, one experiences tiredness.
What then should one do? Have a rest surely. It is undeniable that none can work without a break. Even machines should have a time of halt and maintenance.

So therefore, the Sabbath comes to restore this man who for six days has been struggling for his daily bread, and being tired needs recreation.

Our Eternal Father thus accorded man this forum for his renaissance, to fortify him, to give him a new energy for the following week.<Therefore we talk of a renewed soul or a second soul>.

2- The Sabbath is undissociably linked to the Messiah. He is the light through which every soul gets relief

The Sabbath is a member of the Torah which is God’s word. Yeshua being God’s word (John 1:1) is thus the Torah. It is by Him and for Him that it was given. (romans 10:4-9, 11:36, Colossians 1:16). Thus it is impossible to dissociate the Torah from the Sabbath. Yeshua is the light of the world. (John 8:12).

3- One of the primary functions of the Sabbath is to affirm and strengthen one’s faith

The symbol is very important nowadays, equally as marriage between a man and a woman. It is very important for an alliance to be established since this alliance symbolises or affirms this union.

- The Sabbath is a sign of recognition of one’s belonging to God (Ezekiel 20:20, Exodus 31:17)

Whoever sanctifies the Sabbath affirms his/her faithfulness and belonging to Yahweh. One is equally strengthened because one receives anointing, spiritual food and the blessings that this special day procures. (Isaiah 56:2-7, 58:13-14).

4- The Sabbath is the sign of the Messiah

We have previously seen that Yeshua is the goal of the Sabbath, and the Sabbath is the word of God, which is Yeshua. Yeshua is the Lord or Master of the Sabbath. (Matthew 12:8, Mark 2:28). So therefore, we deduce that due to the Sabbath we acknowledge Yeshua. He is the sign of the Sabbath.

5- The Sabbath is a seal of belonging to God

The Sabbath is a spiritual day and emanates from the sacred. The Sabbath is holy same as our Heavenly Father is holy. It sanctifies us in such a way as to draw us closer to God .

Yhwh Adonai is Holy. To belong to Him one must be holy. (Leviticus 19:1, 11:45, 1 Peter 15:16).

6- The Sabbath possesses the qualities of God

God is love, peace, joy, patience, mildness, prosperity, success, security, healthiness, etc. All these attributes are his spirits.

The Sabbath also has as role to inculcate these spirits and qualities of God in us.

7- The Sabbat is linked to the deliverance of enemies, obtained by the sacrifice of Yeshua. It is in Him that is found the veritable peace of the Sabbath..

* The Sabbath has granted us rest. In other words, it has liberated us from servitude.
* The Sabbath provides us good health. It delivers us from unclean spirits.
* The Sabbath grants us peace. Yeshua is the King of peace, it is thus in Him that true peace is found.

8- In celebrating the Sabbath, we proclaim our faith in Yeshua

We developed this point previously in number 3. (anointing & spiritual food).

9- The Sabbath is a celebration which unites the Messiah’s body

The Sabbath is here to procure us joy, happiness, healthiness, protection, life, etc. Man cannot die for the Sabbath, should it happen, then it will be without purpose. It is for this reason that our Messiah said the Sabbath is made for man and not the contrary. (Mark 2:27).
The Sabbath is here to build us, to preserve us, because our body is the temple of God and of the Messiah in another way.

<There is no rule without exceptions>. When we examine the following writings: Matthew 12:9-13, Mark 2:23-26, 3:1-5, we confirm the rabbinic method; <the Kalva’homer>.

-The lessons worth noting about these preachings are: Works of goodness are permitted on the Sabbath day.

Example: There can be a case of sudden illness which necessitates the use of medicines. The Torah teaches that we don’t buy on the Sabbath day.

- In such a situation, the teachings that Yeshua gave in His books of evangelization cited previously, comes to play. (It is permitted to do good on the Sabbath day).
-It is equally in such circumstances that the method of the Rabbis comes to play. (The Kalval’Homer).

10- The Sabbath is a day of convocation for the body (Leviticus 23:2-3)

On this day God convocates all His children to a holy assembly. It is a day consecrated for His honour.
Worth noting is the fact that God reserved many blessings for His adorators; for all those who do not transgress the Sabbath the Sabbath, but who sanctify it and hold it as sacred.
As we are told previously, God accorded us this rest for our own good, for our restoration and to receive blessings. (Isaiah 56:2-7, 58:13-14). And His revelations as we are concentrated on Him.

11-There is no earning to be made on the Sabbath day! Our work is rendered sterile on the Sabbath day


As God ordered that the day of the Sabbath is a day of rest and that none is supposed to work, He declared misfortune for anyone who works, as this person will be separated from His chosen ones; this person will be invaded by death, etc. (Exodus 35:26, Numbers 15:32-36).It is a strong message which should cause fear to every child of God. The act of working is not just sterile,it means death.

One would certainly say: I have worked before on the Sabbath day but I’m still alive.
We have a saying:<the living dead>. They are living but don’t have life in them (spiritual death). We arrive a situation where all is blocked, nothing is working and at the end life has no meaning; we have lost all hope; we think of the worst; suicide.

How can a work or endeavour that God has not blessed be beneficial to us?
How can a task that God strongly reprimands be beneficial to us?

Hence, it is more than sterile;it is a source of malediction.

2- My experience on the Sabbath

It is about ten years now since I’ve known this messianic faith. In ten years of the Sabbath, it is a great pride to have had the grace of God to know this commandment, being an origin from a nation where the Sabbath is almost unknown and strange.

- The Sabbath has permitted me to draw close to, and reconcile with my Creator.

There was a moment in my life that I thought God was a <fairy tale> (stories that people tell to arouse one’s imagination), because during that time, I did not see the manifestation of God in man as was the case with the Patriarchs.

As concerns Christians, I took note of their weaknesses vis-à-vis certain problems they face (difficulties, spiritual battles as frequent as they are in Africa). One could not see the reaction of God of the prophet Elisha, etc. They could not use the authority which belongs to children of God. (Isaiah 54:17, Matthew 28:28, John 14:14).
Instead, they went to witch doctors seeking for help forgetting that their God is <Elohim>, God of all powers.

- The Sabbath has reconnected me with my creator. Thanks to the Sabbath, I began to live God; that is see His manifestation in my life.
- Thanks to the Sabbath I began having a spiritual life. I began having dreams of a divine order, for someone who before was far from that.
- The Sabbath has permitted me to feel more powerful spiritually and more confident.

A short story.

Ten years later, I now observe the Sabbath with close ones. My father who passed away two years ago at the age of 84, had finally recognized and accepted the Sabbath, though haven had honours in his former church where he had belonged to for about half a century.

My mother, 70 years old, an engaged and honoured woman in her former church, has for two years now recognized and accepted the Sabbath. Now, she is an advisor and teacher of the congregation’s choir. (The Ark of Yhwh).

So too is the case with my three sisters and many others with whom we are building the messianic body of Cameroon. This accomplishment is relative to the grace the Eternal Father accorded me in making me know the Sabbath.

Peace be onto you in Yeshua’s name (Jesus Christ)


« It is a great honour, Joy and Privilege to serve our Heavenly Father (Yhwh Elohim) and will always be »

Leader Deïdo EPESSE III
Arkoy © 2011