

The Ark of Yhwh organisation is of the Judeo-Christian’s faith (messianic Judaism).
We believe in Yhwh (God) as the father, in Yeshua (Jesus) as the son, and in the Holy Spirit as the acting power of Yhwh, as for different entities, but one or united to one another in any other things.


1-We believe that Yhwh is the creator and ruler of the entire universe (Genesis 1:1; Psalms 121:2; Deuteronomy 6:4 & Zachariah 14:9)

2-  We believe that Yhwh is one, and there is no oneness in any form like his, in heaven, on earth or in the sea (Mark 12:29,32)

3- We believe that Yhwh is the only supreme God to whom it is proper to address our prayers and that we must not pray to anyone else (John 10:29)

4-  We believe that Yhwh revealed himself to mankind through these three entities:
- The Father (see n°1 above)
- The Son and (John 1:18 & John 3:13; 16-18)
- The Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:18, 20; 2:3-4 ; Luke 4 :14 ; 18-19; Luke 1 :35 & Acts 2 :3-4)

But, we do not hearken to the doctrine of trinity which is the notion of three gods into one: god the father, god the son and god the holy spirit.

5- We believe that the word and will of Yhwh have not changed. They are for eternity (Matthews 24:35)

6- We believe that Yeshua HaMashiak is the begotten son and the word of Yhwh that came on earth as flesh
(Matthews 3:17; John 1:14,18 & 34)

7- We believe that Yeshua HaMashiak is the unique humanity’s saviour (John 10:9 & 11:25)

8- We believe that Yeshua HaMashiak is our saviour, our heavenly priest and the unavoidable way to our father Yhwh
(John 14:6 & Hebrews 9:11)

9- We believe in the birth, suffering, death, resurrection, and the second coming of Yeshua HaMashiak (Romans 6:4)

10-We believe that the Bible (1st and 2nd testament) was written out of Yhwh’s inspirations and directives, and that it is the unique sound doctrine’s guarantor  (2 Timothy 3:16)

11-We believe that the Torah (law-instruction-teaching) given to Moshé (Moses), and the words of the Prophets are true and that they are for Eternity (Matthew 24:35 & John 17:17)

12- We believe in baptism by immersion (Matthews 3:13-16)

13- We believe that Shabbat (Sabbath - Exodus 20:8-11) is:
- The seventh day of the week – Saturday. Mathew 28:1
- The unique sacred adoration’s day of Yhwh. Exodus 31:15
- A sacred sign by which the children of Yhwh are recognised.  Ezekiel 20:20
- An everlasting covenant of holiness within our eternal creator with his children. Exodus 31:15

14- We do not believe in the continuity of the burnt sacrifices (holocaust), for our saviour Yeshua HaMashiak is our ram, and through his blood, offered the perfect sacrifice once for all ( Hebrews 9:11–14 & Hebrews 10:4–12)

15- We believe that the land of Israel is the promise land; its capital Jerusalem is the holy city (Joel 3:17; Nehemia 11:1; Revelation 21:2,10); and that the land of Israel belong to the Jews (Numbers 34:1-12; Deuteronomy 4:38)  


The Ark of Yhwh’ doctrine is based and drawn in the Bible (Oracle of Yhwh) which is universally known as for the unique book written out of Yhwh's inspiration and directives. The Arkoy practices and worship system are also stemmed from the Torah, especially according to the “prescriptions” given to Moshe on “Mount Sinai” and also in line with the covenant made by Yhwh Elohim with the house of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel).



Having as model the patriarch of the biblical epic,

1- We do sing and dance at time in worship and praise to Yhwh. 2 Samuel 6:5, 14, 16, Psalms 150; Psalms 100: 1–2.
2- We do blow the trumpets or shofar at time in the adoration & worship. Numbers 10:10; Psalms 81:4-5
3- We do lift up our hands at time while praying and praising Yhwh. 1Kings 8:22; Nehemiah 8:6
4- We do kneel down at time while praying.  Daniel 6:10; 1 Kings 8:54; Acts 20:36

  5- We do bow down & prostrate at time in worship to Yhwh.  Numbers 20:6; Joshua 5:13-14; Psalms 95:6; Nehemiah 8:6; 1 Corinthians 14:25; Revelations 7:11 & 11:16;

Prophet Daniel in adoration
Daniel 6:10


Having as assignment “the gathering of the lost sheep of Yhwh”, the Arkoy heartily welcomes everyone, irrespective of social rank, gender, religion, culture and nationality who is seeking for:
1. The moral & spiritual assistance
2. The truth and the scriptures knowledge. "You will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free" John 8:32
3. The road of salvation. John 4:22
4. The Hidden truth or the mysteries of the Oracle of Yhwh. Mathew 13:11
5. And lastly the “spiritual growth or maturity” that the practice of the torah provides
